noun |re·la·tion·ship [ri-ˈlā-shən-ship]
: a state of affairs existing between those having relations or dealings
: a romantic or passionate attachment
God+Me . . . Me+Me . . . You+Me
Navigating the many types of relationships can be difficult. How about we try together?
2020 is an Emotional Roller Coaster
2020 has been a tough year. I don’t think there is a sentiment more universally true at this moment. I have never experienced a variety of such extreme events in the short span of eight months. My emotions have been through a whirlwind and my mind has struggled to keep …
Why I Can’t Watch Insecure
Recently, I saw a headline about Yvonne Orji and the fourth season of Insecure, which made me realize that I’ve been totally out of the loop with this show. You see, I learned about it in 2017 (shout out to all my always-late-to-the-party people) and was very excited to watch …
My Problem With Christians and #blacklivesmatter
My friend sent me two articles from about some Christian perspectives and #blacklivesmatter. One, which I completely rolled my eyes at after reading, was by a black man who explained 10 reasons why he would never support the Black Lives Matter movement. Just an aside on him: His first …
Amy Cooper, Can We Talk?
*Sigh* Amy, Amy, Amy. Where do I begin? I won’t beat around the bush, girl, because your actions in that video clearly show that you know how to be intentional with your words. I sort of understood some of the ways you may have felt in that moment. Let’s be …
When Your Office Needs the Black Perspective
On May 29, 2020 my Center Chief messaged me while I was at my desk. “Hey Shala. I need a favor.” “Sure. How can I help?” “I am going to pop by your desk to explain.” And before I know it, there she is continuing her thoughts. “I want to …
Are You Taking His Last Name?
I got engaged in 2017, so all-things-wedding pretty much consumed my life over the next year. One of the most reoccurring marriage topics was one that I would’ve never thought twice about before becoming engaged. Changing my last name. Not only was I caught off guard by the number of …