King Richard & the Importance of Black Fatherhood

I was excited to watch King Richard a couple weeks ago when it was released because 1) Will Smith is iconic and 2) I’m here for anything that celebrates Venus and Serena Williams. And although I enjoyed learning more about the superstars’ upbringings (especially Venus’s journey), I was pleasantly surprised …

Friendships: Squad or Nah?

A couple weeks ago I took my first trip to Cancun, Mexico, to celebrate a family member’s birthday. Of course the resort was beautiful with its beachfront views and array of palm trees, but a couple things caught my attention more than this unfamiliar island scenery. First, the melanin was …

The Gift of Grace

You never know what someone is going through behind closed doors. Not only have we all heard a saying like this but most of us also have experienced our fair share of behind-closed-doors struggles. Yet, it surprises me how quickly we can forget the reality behind this statement. And I …