noun |re·la·tion·ship [ri-ˈlā-shən-ship]
: a state of affairs existing between those having relations or dealings
: a romantic or passionate attachment
God+Me . . . Me+Me . . . You+Me
Navigating the many types of relationships can be difficult. How about we try together?

Black Women Been Magic

Nov 14, 2020
The 2020 Presidential election made history for many reasons: Around 160 million Americans voted, the highest turnout in history; Many women and people of color became their state’s “first” elected legislators; and For the first time in this nation’s history, a Black and Indian American WOMAN will be our vice …

Can We Honestly Review Black Businesses?

Nov 12, 2020
I have always tried to support black-owned businesses whenever possible. And not only that but I have sought out black business owners specifically because I wanted someone who I could relate to. I have tried black hair stylists, black doctors, black therapists, black photographers and mechanics, and of course, black …

Lessons From My 13-year-old Self

Oct 29, 2020
Last week I finally spent some time going through just in case things. You know that kitchen drawer, nightstand, shoebox, or shelf space way in the back of your closet where you keep all types of documents and files, just in case. Old receipts, just in case you need to …

When Prayer is Frustrating

Oct 13, 2020
Most Christians know the “saved” definition for P.U.S.H. Pray until something happens. And many of us have lived by this exhortation, me included. I cannot count the number of times I have prayed about the same thing. Lord, please heal my body. Lord, please show me the source of illness …

Dear Breonna Taylor

Sep 25, 2020
I know that you do not know me, and although we have never met, I feel that I know you so well. Millennial. Woman. Black. Working hard to take care of yourself. Surrounded by family and friends . . . . . . and in love. I see you. I …

Yvonne Orji: Give This Queen Her Crown

Sep 11, 2020
Now I know most of us aren’t checking for Insecure’s Molly at this point, but I’m happy that the actress behind this love-hate character is one we don’t have to side eye. I absolutely LOVE Yvonne Orji! She’s so talented, beautiful, relatable, and on top of it all she loves …