noun |re·la·tion·ship [ri-ˈlā-shən-ship]
: a state of affairs existing between those having relations or dealings
: a romantic or passionate attachment
God+Me . . . Me+Me . . . You+Me
Navigating the many types of relationships can be difficult. How about we try together?
Praying Through the Pain of Gun Violence
This past Sunday, I attended a church where the praise and worship leader said, “I want to sing this song over you.” She proceeded to sing It’s Okay by Chandler Moore. The lyrics struck a chord in my heart as she sang. They weren’t the typical words of adoration and …
Should We Turn Up For God?
Last week, my friend sent me a video on Facebook messenger and asked for my thoughts after watching. There’s a lot going on, just a forewarning. Below is the video: From what I can see, this looks like a funeral in a packed out church with three young men rapping …
Hey Sis, Natural Looks Good On You!
A few weeks ago, I met this fabulous older black woman while waiting in the restroom line at DFW airport. She had on a long dress with heels (panty hose, of course!) and a serious fur vest that tied her look together. But what stood out to me the most …
Let’s Talk About Change . . . and BHM (Video recap)
Change was a major disruptor for many of us last year, and we’re still feeling the effects as we kick off 2021. From transitioning how we work to navigating relationships through social distance, the latest peculiar posts take a deeper look into the realities of adjusting to life’s changes. Plus …
Transitioning to Unconventional Work
“So, what exactly are you doing?” If I had $5 for every time I have been asked this question over the past six months, I’d be sitting on a nice chunk of change. Let me explain: for the past five years, I have worked on communications for one of America’s …
Stop Asking Why Black History Month Matters
I have followed Proverbs 31 Ministries (PV31), a non-denominational Christian ministry for women, since I was 18. Over the years, I have been encouraged by the daily devotions I receive, and I’ve even read a few books by Lysa TerKeurst, the ministry’s founder. This ministry covers a wide range of …